Announcement 25th European School Ham Radio Stations Day 2024

1. Date:

Monday, May 6th 2024, 0700 until 1700 UTC. Maximum 4 hours of continuous operation, whereof maximum 60 minutes are valid for evaluation (see 6.)

2. Participation classes:

Class A only HF, Class B only VHF/UHF Class C only via QO-100 satellite.

It will be distinguished between students, university students, and others.

3. Goal:

As much contacts as possible with stations from all over europe, especially with school stations and training stations. Every station can be worked once in Phone (SSB, FM), CW and Digimode (e.g. PSK31, RTTY, FT8).

4. Frequencies:

Centers of activity for SSB: 80m - 3.770 MHz,
40m - 7.170 MHz, 20m - 14.270 MHz. For PSK31: 80m - 3.582, 40m - 7.042 MHz, 20m - 14.072 MHz. For Class B contacts via repeater are allowed. Repeater calls have to be logged as well!

The clubstation DK0KTL willl be QRV within the SSB-Range at 10489,700 MHz with the special DOK 25EUT . Other stations with this special DOK are expected.

5. Exchange:

Callsign, Report RS(T), Maidenhead-Locator, First name, (e. g.: DK0KTL -JO60BV-Karl)

6. Evaluation:

Calculation of distance for every QSO with EU(WAE)-stations within 60 coherent minutes of your own choice and summarizing all distances. Multipliers: Class A will be multiplied with the number of all reached EU-countries (WAE-List) within the complete 4-hour-period. Class B will be multiplied with the number of all reached countries (WAE-List) plus the number of the reached fieldsquares (e.g. JO43, JO50, etc.) within the complete 4-hour-period. Additional 1000 points for each contact with S-DOK 25EUT.

7. Logs:

The use of computer programs for logging and calculating the distances will be appreciated. We recommend the use of HAMEUTAG by ARCOMM, which can be downloaded and used free of charge from

Required information in header: callsign, name(s), age, class, name of school or university, type of school, locator, postal address and a valid e-mail address.

To be logged: UTC, Call, RST, Band, Operating Mode, Locator, Distance. Please send the complete log highlighting the preferred 60-minute-interval.

8. Posting:

At the latest two weeks after the event (Deadline: May 20th – mailing date / date stamp on post mark) by e-mail to dk0ktl [at] Confirmation of receipt will be sent digitally as PDF document. Please send as well operators photos, so that every participant may be pictured on the certificate.

Send to : AATiS e.V. c/o Peter Eichler, Birkenweg 13, D-07639 Tautenhain, Deutschland

9. Certificates / Prizes:

All senders will receive their certificates as PDF-file by e-mail. For all senders of correct and valid logs we will hold a prize draw from the AATiS media and kit assortment. Any legal recourse is excluded.

10. SWL-Task:

DK0KTL will send a SSTV Picture with Martin 1: 08:00 / 12:00 UT on 7.130 kHz;

10:00 und 14:00 UT on 14.230 kHz and 16:00 UT on 3.730 kHz. Send only the solution to dk0ktl [at] ()